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Complaint procedure for briquetts
3. Complaints procedure briquettes
3.1 Principles of contractual relationships
The day of delivery is the day on which the goods are handed over to the first carrier, forwarder or collector.
The determination of delivery weight and/or quantities is governed by the weight records and/or delivery notes of VE-M or of third parties commissioned with weighing/delivery by VEM. The combining of REKORD lignite briquettes with briquettes from other manufacturers shall lead to a disclaimer of liability for defects. VE-M shall not be responsible for damage and deterioration of quality arising from incorrect handling and/or storage/logistics of the products.
3.2 Making a complaint
A distinction is made between complaints relating to:
Any other
All incoming complaints to the purchaser must be reported to VE-M immediately, but no later than 48 hours (Mo – Fr) after receipt of goods, by fax using form 3.6 (fax: 03564 6-92947). Noticeable quality defects must be reported immediately by the recipient or forwarder of loads distributed by road by VE-M. The report must be made on-site immediately during loading.
The point of contact is:
for packaged goods:
Loader or coal exit gate (dispatching) Tel. (03564) 6-9 4905
for loose goods:
Loader or foreman Tel. (03564) 6-92599
The foreman decides on the next course of action on behalf of VE-M. Serious incidents must be reported to VE-M (refining) immediately (tel. 03564 6-94100). The VE-M control centre must be informed outside business hours (03564 6-92598). The purchaser must ensure that the goods that are the subject of a complaint are present
and may be inspected during a visit to the customer (see section 3.3 Complaints handling). In exceptional cases it is sufficient to provide a representative quantity, the size of which shall be specified by VE-M.
3.3 Complaints handling
The complaint shall be rejected if VE-M is not given the opportunity to make a visit to the customer to investigate the complaint. The dates of customer visits shall be set by VE-M according to priority by arrangement with the purchaser, and shall as a rule be carried out within 5 working days of notification. If no
customer visit has been carried out within this period, and if no other date or arrangements have been specified, then the complaint shall be considered as accepted. Until the complaint has been settled, the rejected goods may only be sold in agreement with VE-M. In principle, legitimate complaints shall be satisfied by way of a reduction (credit note from VE-M), unless a contractual agreement has been made to the contrary. The outcome of the complaints handling procedure is to be recorded on the "Formblatt Reklamationsabgeltung" [Claims settlement form] as per Appendix 3.7 and signed by both parties. If no agreement between the partners can be reached, the different viewpoints are to be recorded. In the exceptional case that an agreement has been made by telephone, the record provided for the customer visit must be similarly filled out by VE-M and signed by VE-M and the
3.4 Acceptance or rejection of complaints
VE-M shall accept or reject the complaint vis à vis the purchaser on the basis of the claims settlement form, the establishment of a difference in viewpoints or other relevant facts of a complaint.
3.5 Customer complaints
All customer complaints received by the purchaser for any varieties and formats of Lausitzer REKORD lignite briquettes (including complaints submitted verbally) are to be reported to VE-M immediately after receipt by fax using form 3.6 (fax: 03564 6-92947). VE-M shall give its response to customer complaints to the purchaser.
Customer complaints shall be recorded and assessed separately at VE-M.
For more information, see the attached document below this article:
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